इस कोर्स में आप जानेगे कि, A to Z Modern Apple Farming क्या होता है। इसमें आपको Detail में knowledge के साथ एक सफल बागवान का experience मिलने वाला है जो आपको मदद करेगा बगीचे में होने वाली गलतियों से बचने की। 👉COURSE INFORMATION👈 🔸Root rot course 1.What is Root Rot ? 2.How to identify root rot in your orchard? 3.Precaution to avoid root rot. 4.How to eradicate Root Rot from your orchard? 🔸Basic Of Modern Apple Farming 1. Welcome & Introduction 2. How to use this course 3. History of apple farming 4. Why Apple Farming 5. Physiology of apple farming 6. Type of root stock 7.Type of cultivars 8.Layout of the orchard 9. How to plant an apple tree 10. Soil born fungal diseases 11. Premature leaf fall 12. Insect & Pests 13. Final Massage 🔸 Spray Schedule 1. Introduction & welcome 2. Jan to march Casting Soda 3. Jan to March Oil Spray 4. Jan to March Last Spray 5. April to June Starting Spray 6. April to June Calcium Spray 7. July to September what to do in July 8. July to September what to do before harvesting 9. July to September final spray 10. October to December Post Harvest 11. October to December Last Spray 🔸 Pre Bloom Management (JAN/FAB/MARCH) PREBLOOM MANAGEMENT. 1.Introduction and welcome. 2.How to prepare plant basin(Toliya). 2.What to do with pruning residue (Kati hui branches). 3.Soil application of nutrients. 4.Difference between 4 type of boron. 5.Foliar application of oils to control insects. 6.Fungicidal foliar application in pre-bloom. 7.Nutrition required for healthy bloom and fruit setting. 8.Importance of poliniser and pollinators. 9.Final message. 🔸PGR (plant growth regulator) 1.Introduction. 2.What is PGR. 3.What PGR can do? 4.Types and classes of PGR. 5.Timing of Promalin and Perlan application. 🔸3. Fruit Development Management (APRIL/MAY/JUNE) FRUIT THINNING 1.Introduction of fruit thinning. 2.What is fruit thinning and why it is required? 3.Types of fruit thinning. 4.Before training what should we do. 5.Doses and timing of different chemicals for fruit thinning. 6.Fruit thinning impacted Insect and pests. 🔸INSECTS AND PESTS 1.European red mite. 2.Harmful insects. 3.Wholly Apple Aphid. 🔸SIZE , PROBLEM AND SOLUTION 1.Size , problem and solution. 2.6 reason of small Apples. 3.9 solutions. 🔸3. Pre Harvest Management (JULY/AUG/SEP) LESS COLOR PROBLEM 1.Introduction . 2.Three reasons of less color. 3.High nitrogen. 4.Low Mg,P,K.5.Powdery mildew. 6.Canopy management. 7.Over crop. 8.Summer pruning. 9.Balance BTW nitrogen and potash. 10. Application of Mg,P,K. 11. REFLECT SHEET. 🔸 Post Harvest 1. Post Harvest nutrition management 🔸 Plant Pruning 1. Introduction 2. Basic of plant Pruning 3. How to prune 1 to 3 years plant 4. How to prune 5 to 7 years plant 5. How to prune unproductive plant 6. How to prune old seedlings plant 7. How to prune 7 years old m9 plant 8. How to prune 8 years old spur plant on clonal root stock 9 How to Prune 5 years old MM106 plant 10. Final massage 🔸 Plant Mulching 1. Fundamentals of mulching 2. losses of inorganic mulch 3. How to do mulch 🔸GRAFTING 1.Introduction of grafting. 2.What is Grafting. 3.Reason of graft failures. 4.How to graft? 5.Post graft works. 🔸NATURAL FARMING. 1.Prakritik Kheti Video 1.2.Prakritik Kheti Video 2.3.Prakritik Kheti Video 🔸 Fungicide 1. Introduction 2. What is fungicide 3. Contact vs Systemic Fungicide 4. Type of fungal Diseases 5. How to control Powdery Mildew 6. Scab & it's control 7. How to control Alterneria, Marsonina.Fly speck & Sooty Blotch 8. How to control Fungal 9. What are the Natural & Organic Controls Note* You will get 12 Special ( 90 hr each ) live Webinar Weekly for next 3 month and update for 1 year और भी बहुत सारी Detailed Knowledge और सभी Courses आपको मिलने वाले है। उम्मीद है इस कोर्स को देखने के बाद आपको एक बेहतर Solution मिल जायगा और साथ ही आपको एक बेहतरीन मौका मिलता है Jittu Chauhan जी से और भी बहुत सारी जानकारी लेने का उनके एक सफल बागवान बनने के पीछे की कहानी। उम्मीद है A to Z of Modern Apple Farming के Course में और बागवानी को Seriousness से सीखेंगे और इसे ही अपना Profession बनाएगे है। khetYari का पूरा परिवार आपका तहे दिल से हमेशा स्वागत करता है। धन्यवाद। Team khetYari